Saturday, December 31, 2011

ASPBYC Junior Yachtsperson of the Year

ASPBYC Junior Yachtsperson of the Year

This award and perpetual trophy shall be given to a junior or a junior team who will not reach their ighteenth birthday by December 1, of the year in which they compete, and who is a member or whose parents are members of a recognized yacht club of the Association of San Pedro Bay Yacht
Clubs. Determination for the award shall be based upon the applicant's record for the one year in which the trophy is to be awarded. Emphasis for the award shall be placed on, but not limited to the following guidelines. 

  • Demonstrate superior sailing ability along with the highest standards of sportsmanship.
  • Number of races skippered.
  • Racing record (number of races skippered and won).
  • Participation as skipper, crew, or team, in major sailing regattas.
  • Participation in yacht club sponsored activities.

The perpetual trophy shall be displayed for one year in the recipient's yacht club, or any of the Association of San Pedro Bay Yacht Clubs clubhouse of his or her choice. The trophy remains the property of the Association, which shall have sole right to determine its disposition. Each recipient will also receive a take home memento of the award. The trophy must be awarded no more than once per year, to no more than
one individual or team award. The trophy need not be awarded if a candidate is not represented with sufficient qualifications. Previous winners are eligible. Each Association member club may nominate one or more candidates each year. Nominations must be in writing, signed by a flag officer of the nominating
club and shall include sufficient information on the candidates qualifications to enable the Selection Committee to reach a decision. Nominations must be filed with the Secretary of the Association by November 1, each year. The Selection Committee shall consist of five members, one of whom shall be
the Chairman, all appointed by the Commodore of the Association. The Selection Committee shall meet as soon after November 1 of each calendar year as may be convenient for the purpose of considering the nominations. The Selection Committee shall carefully consider all of the nominations and shall recommend
that none, or one, or more than one of the nominees named be considered at a special December meeting of the Selection Committee, and the vote of the majority of the delegates at that meeting shall determine the recipient of the award. The Deed of Gift may be amended at any time by a two-thirds vote of the delegates
at a meeting of the Association, provided written notice of the proposed amendment has been delivered or mailed postage prepaid to each member club at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting at which the amendment is to be considered.

Deed of Gift filed May 20, 1987 by the Association Secretary, Richard Goodman, CBYC
Deed of Gift Amended and Filed April 7, 2009 by the Association Secretary, David C. Robertson, LBYC

2017 Lucas Kraak CBYC
2015 Cameron Feves CBYC
2014 Sawyer Gibbs ABYC
2013 Jessica McJones (LAYC) and Kyle Blair (LBYC)
2011Jack Jorgensen ABYC
2010 Riley Gibbs ABYC
2009 Jack Jorgensen/Samantha Gebb ABYC
2008 Korbin Kirk LBYC
2007 Sydney Bolger ABYC
2006 Ian Paice LBYC
2005 Ryan Hoeven CBYC
2004 Ian Paice LBYC
1997 J.M. Modisette LAYC
1996 Alex Uniack HHYC
1994 Alex Uniack HHYC
1993 Billy Uniack HHYC
1982 Mark Ivey HHYC
1991 Kevin Richards LAYC
1990 Andy Zinn CBYC
1989 Jonathan Greening ABYC
1988 Catherine Ivey HHYC
1987 Amber Morrow HHYC

ASPBYC Yachtswoman of the Year

ASPBYC Yachtswoman of the Year

The Association of San Pedro Bay Yacht Clubs, hereinafter referred to as the Association, does hereby create an award., represented by a trophy to be known as "The Yachtswoman of the Year Trophy" to be presented to the "Yachtswoman of the Year," selected as hereinafter set forth.

  • The Yachtswoman of the Year Trophy is a service award for which a perpetual trophy is awarded and displayed at the club of the recipient until her successor recipient is named. The trophy remains the property of the Association, who shall have sole right to determine its disposition. Each recipient of the trophy shall also receive an appropriate plaque or scroll that she may keep, commemorating the award.
  • The trophy shall be conferred no more frequently than once in each calendar year, but it need not be conferred each year. The trophy shall be conferred on no more than one recipient in each year. 
  • The trophy shall be awarded to yachtswomen from within San Pedro Bay who have made a great or creative contribution to the yachting community of San Pedro Bay. Current officers of the ASPBYC are not eligible to receive the award.
  • Each club that is a member of the Association shall have the right to nominate yachtswomen for the award. Each club may nominate one or more nominees. A nominee need not be a member of the club nominating her, but shall be a member in good standing of a club belonging to the Association. Nominations shall be in writing, signed by a flag officer of the nominating club and shall include sufficient information about the nominee to assist the Committee in making their selection. Nominations shall be filed with the Secretary of the Association on or before November 1 of each year. 
  • The Selection Committee shall consist of five members, one of whom shall be the Chairman; all appointed by the Commodore of the Association. In addition to the foregoing, former recipients of the award shall be members of the Selection Committee automatically, without being especially appointed. The Selection Committee shall meet as soon after November 1 of each calendar year as may be convenient for the purpose of considering the nominations.
  • The Selection Committee shall carefully consider all of the nominations, and shall then recommend that none, or one, or more than one of the nominees named be considered at a special meeting of the Yachtswoman of the Year Committee in December, and the vote of the majority of the delegates at that meeting shall determine the recipient of the award.
  • This Deed of Gift may be amended at any time by a two-thirds vote of the delegates at a meeting of the Association, provided written notice of the proposed amendment has been delivered or mailed postage prepaid to each member club at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting at which the amendment is to be considered.
Deed of Gift filed May 20, 1987 by Association Secretary, Richard Goodman, CBYC
Revised Deed of Gift filed September 13, 1999 by Association Secretary, Jonathan Mitsumori, CBYC

2017 Jeanette Borgen BYC
2013 Judy-Rae Karlsen LBYC
2011 Margarest Caddle ABYC
2010 Courtney Medak CBYC
2009 Rowanda Tucker LB/LA WSA
2008 Sharon Pearson ABYC
2002 Barbara Rustigian SlBYC
2001 Norma Clapp ABYC
2000 Sally Dalley SlBYC
1997 Camille Daniels LBYC
1995 Jocelyn Wilson CBYC
1994 Carol Armitage LSF
1993 Marilyn Frick HHYC
1992 Pease Glaser ABYC
1990 Jessica Uniack HHYC
1989 Bobbie Novodvorsky NYCLB
1988 Allyson Jolly ABYC
1987 Peggy Gregory SlBYC/LSF

ASPBYC Yachtsman of the Year

ASPBYC Yachtsman of the Year

The Association of San Pedro Bay Yacht Clubs, hereinafter referred to as the Association, does hereby create an award, represented by a trophy to be known as "The Yachtsman of the Year Trophy" to be presented to the "Yachtsman of the Year," selected as hereinafter set forth.

  • The Yachtsman of the Year Trophy is a service award for which a perpetual trophy is awarded and displayed at the club of the recipient until his successor recipient is named. The trophy remains the property of the Association, who shall have sole right to determine its disposition. Each recipient of the trophy shall also receive an appropriate plaque or scroll that he may keep, commemorating the award.
  • The trophy shall be conferred no more frequently than once in each calendar year, but it need not be conferred each year. The trophy shall be conferred on no more than one recipient in each year.
  • The trophy shall be awarded to yachtsmen from within San Pedro Bay who have made a great or creative contribution to the yachting community of San Pedro Bay. Current officers of the ASPBYC are not eligible to receive the award.
  • Each club that is a member of the Association shall have the right to nominate yachtsmen for the award. Each club may nominate one or more nominees. A nominee need not be a member of the club nominating him, but shall be a member in good standing of a club belonging to the Association. Nominations shall be in writing, signed by a flag officer of the nominating club and shall include sufficient information about the nominee to assist the Committee in making their selection. Nominations shall be filed with the Secretary of the Association on or before November 1 of each year.
  • The Selection Committee shall consist of five members, one of whom shall be the Chairman; all appointed by the Commodore of the Association. In addition to the foregoing, former recipients of the award shall be members of the Selection Committee automatically, without being especially appointed. The Selection Committee shall meet as soon after November 1 of each calendar year as may be convenient for the purpose of considering the nominations.
  • The Selection Committee shall carefully consider all of the nominations, and shall then recommend that none, or one, or more than one of the nominees named be considered at a special meeting of the Yachtsman of the Year Committee in December, and the vote of the majority of the delegates at that meeting shall determine the recipient of the award. 
  • This deed of gift may be amended at any time by a two-thirds vote of the delegates at a meeting of the Association, provided written notice of the proposed amendment has been delivered or mailed postage prepaid to each member club at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting at which the amendment is to be considered.

Deed of Gift filed May 20, 1987 by Association Secretary, Richard Goodman, CBYC
Revised Deed of Gift filed September 13, 1999 by Association Secretary, Jonathan Mitsumori, CBYC

2017 Jonathan Mitsumori CBYC
2016 Mike Guccione SYC
2014 John O'Connor CBYC
2013 Jeff Landers SYC
2012 Franklin D. Ross SYC
2011 Richard Tyhurst NYCLB
2010 Terry Hanna SlBYC
2009 Dave Cort LAYC
2008 Steve Smith ABYC
2007 Frank Dair CBYC
2006 Mike Ludt ABYC/SIBYC
2005 Jarel Ervin HYC
2004 Harlan Moore LBYC
2003 Jerry Dalley SlBYC
2002 Charles F. Merrill ABYC
2001 Chuck Kober ABYC
1997 Chris Ericksen ABYC
1996 Mike McMahon ABYC
1995 Jerry Montgomery ABYC
1993 Don Zinn CBYC
1992 Joe Baiunco CBYC
1991 Bill Lewis NYCLB
1990 Jerry Frick HHYC
1989 Bob Robb SlBYC
1988 Don Brown SlBYC/ABYC

ASPBYC San Pedro Bay Cup Administration Directive

ASPBYC San Pedro Bay Cup
Administration Directive
Governing the San Pedro Bay Cup Regatta

1. Purpose — The San Pedro Bay Cup Regatta is designed to promote team racing competition among member clubs of the Association of San Pedro Bay Yacht Clubs (Association). The format will be team
2. Eligibility — All clubs who are members of the Association in the year of the regatta are eligible to compete. Said clubs are hereinafter called "eligible clubs". All clubs electing to participate in a particular
year are hereinafter called "participating clubs".
3. Management — The Cabrillo Beach Yacht Club shall be responsible for the race management unless CBYC requests the Association appoint another club.
4. Venue — The regatta shall be conducted within the environs of San Pedro Bay.
5. Racing Dates — The regatta shall be conducted annually on a weekend in the months of September, October, or November. The Association shall advise all eligible clubs of the racing day or days. A Notice
of Race shall be provided to each eligible club not less than sixty (60) days prior to the regatta.
6. Constitution of Teams — Each eligible club may enter a team in the regatta. Each boat shall be an ocean racing monohull of not less thantwenty (20) feet in overall length. Each year the Association shall suggest
the number of boats per team, the rating system to be used and the rating parameters for that year not less than ninety (90) days before the regatta; all eligible clubs' boats will be taken into consideration when
establishing these parameters with the idea of giving all eligible clubs an opportunity to successfully compete. If an objection is made, the delegates shall resolve the dispute not less than seventy-five (75) days
before the regatta. In administering this provision, paramount importance shall be placed on achieving the highest level of overall competition. Unless otherwise established by the Association and specified by
the Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions, the teams shall be made up of four (4) boats, the sum of which PHRF ratings shall be no less than 480 seconds per mile; no boat may have a rating higher than 196 seconds
per mile, and no two (2) boats may have ratings closer than three (3) seconds per mile. As long as these parameters are in use, at least two (2) of a team's boats must be owned in whole or part by a member
in good standing of the participating club.
7. Rules and Equipment — The regatta shall be governed by the Racing Rules of Sailing, including rules D1, D2.1 and D2.2; applicable rules of the Performance Handicap Racing Fleet (PHRF) as long as PHRF
ratings are used; and sailing instructions established each year for the regatta. No disqualification or any other penalty shall be imposed for:
(a) an owner's driving another boat if both owners meet the requirements
for Paragraph 8: or (b) missing or mismatched sail numbers if Race Committee has been advised of the numbers. Sailing Instructions shall be provided to each participating club not later than seven (7)
days before the regatta. All boats must fly their club burgee, prominently, from the backstay
during all races. As long as PHRF ratings are used, the regatta shall be Category IV event and a VHF radio is required. Crews, sails and helmspersons may be changed between races providing the requirements
of paragraph 8 are met.
8. Helmsperson and Crew — Every helmsperson must be a member in good standing of the represented yacht club. Except for emergencies, persons failing to meet the criteria may not steer any portion of the
races. Crews may be changed between races but the number of crew must remain the same throughout the regatta. As long as PHRF ratings are used, the MIR Rules will apply.
9. Entries — Not less than thirty (30) days before the regatta, participating clubs shall submit a complete entry that includes a list of the boats, owners, handicaps, and helmspersons representing the club. After the
entry is submitted, boats may only be substituted with the written consent of the Association prior to the start of the first race. No further substitutions will be allowed after the first race. If a boat's rating is
changed after the entry is submitted and prior to the regatta by the rating authority, the prior rating shall be used to determine the club's compliance with Paragraph 7, but the most current rating shall be used
for the regatta.
10. Scoring — Each boat's finishing position will be established by the order of finishes without application of handicap calculations. The team finishing position in each race will be established by the sum of
each boat's finishing position, and then the Low Point scoring system, rule A2, will be applied; the team with the lowest point total for each race will be the winner for that race, the team with the next lowest
point total will be second and so on, and ties on points will be broken in accordance with rule A1.4(a). The team with the lowest series point total at the end of the series will be the winner, the team with the next
lowest series point total will be second and so on.
11. Trophies — The winning club shall be awarded the San Pedro Bay Cup at the trophy presentation. Individual take-home trophies may be awarded. To cover the cost of individual trophies, race management
and related festivities, an entry fee may be charged.
12. Jury — The protest committee shall be composed of three (3) to five (5) members. Each participating club shall assign a qualified judge who is willing to serve on a protest committee. Additional judges may
be assigned by the Association. The chief judge shall be designated by the Association.
13. Revisions of this Administrative Directive — Except for Paragraph 3 above, the details of this Administrative Directive may be modified at any time by a two-thirds vote of the delegates at a meeting of the Association, provided written notice of the proposed revisions has been delivered or mailed postage prepaid to each member club at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting at which the revision is to be considered, except that such revisions may not be made less than ninety (90) days prior to the scheduled date of the regatta.
Revised Directive filed, September 13, 1999
Filed by the Association Secretary, Jonathan Mitsumori, CBYC

ASPBYC Harbor Challenge Race Deed Of Gift

ASPBYC Harbor Challenge Race
Deed of Gift
The Harbor Challenge Trophy
In Memory of Walt Elliot

A trophy, to be known as the Walt Elliott Harbor Challenge Trophy, is presented herewith to the Association of San Pedro Bay Yacht Clubs for the purpose of promoting interclub fleet racing on a challenge basis among the member clubs of the Association. The terms and conditions upon which
this gift is made are as follows:
1. This trophy shall be and remain the property of and shall be a perpetual trophy of the Association of San Pedro Bay Yacht Clubs, its successors and assigns. Should the Association go out of existence without
another Association or a corporation having been assigned or succeeded to its properties and functions, then this trophy will revert and be returned to the undersigned donor, if living, otherwise to her assigns or if she has made no assignment thereof then to her next of kin. 
2. The provisions of this Deed of Gift which are hereinafter set forth may be amended from time to time and at any time by the Association, but any such amendment during the lifetime of the donor shall be subject
to her written approval. 
3. Competition for this trophy shall be in monohull yachts propelled by sails, and if equipped with power, such power shall not be used during a race. Each yacht must be skippered by a member of the club which it
represents, and only a member of such club may steer the yacht during races for this trophy.
4. Any member club of the Association may challenge the club holding the trophy. Such challenge must be in writing, signed by a flag officer of the challenging club and must state the name of the challenging club, the class or the handicap rule under which each yacht must be rated, and if a handicap rule, a rating with which each challenging and defending yacht shall have a rating that is not more than five percent (5%) higher or lower.
5. The competition for the trophy shall be sailed in the month of April. Challenges must be submitted in writing in the month of February. The defending club, no sooner than March 1st nor later than March 10th,
shall accept one of such challenges. The acceptance of a challenge must be in writing, signed by a flag officer of the defending club, and shall be mailed to each member club of the Association. The accep31
tance shall state: 
(a) The names of the defending and challenging clubs.
(b) The class or the handicap rule and the rating stated in the challenge.
(c) Whether the competition is to be determined by one race or a series of three races.
(d) The date or dates when such races will be held.
(e) The location in the defender's home waters where the races are to be held.
(f) The name and address to which notices of additional challenges entered by other member clubs are to be addressed.
(g) That additional challenges must be received at the address in no later than March 31st.
6. Not less than ten (10) days prior to the date of the first of said races or March 31st, whichever date is earlier, all the challenging clubs and the defending club each shall notify each other member club of the Association of the name of each yacht and skipper that will represent it in the challenge races.
7. The defending club shall provide for all the needs of the races and shall assume full responsibility for such races. There shall be no entry fee. The Association shall have no control over or responsibility for any of
such races.
8. The Association shall arrange for and maintain insurance upon the trophy in the amount of One Thousand and no/100 Dollars ($1,000.00) against all risk with any loss in connection therewith payable to the
Association, and in the event of a loss or damage, such moneys shall be used for the replacement or repair of the trophy.
9. The Association shall arrange to have the trophy suitably engraved with the names of each winning yacht, its class, the skipper thereof, the club represented and the date won, prior to delivery of the trophy to the
winning club. The Association also shall arrange to have presented to each winner a suitable take-home trophy properly engraved.
10. Any matter not fully covered hereunder and any question arising under the within provisions shall be finally determined without right of appeal by the Association of San Pedro Bay Yacht Clubs.
Deed of Gift Revision, June 14, 1992
Filed by the Association Secretary, Bill Lewis, NYCLB
Donated by Betty Elliott Field.

ASPBYC Articles of Association and Bylaws

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ASPBYC Articles of Association and Bylaws
  1. Name:
The name of this association is the ASSOCIATION OF SAN PEDRO BAY YACHT CLUBS, hereinafter referred to as "Association."
  1. Purposes:
The purposes of this Association are:
  1. To promote activities of mutual interest to all organized yacht clubs and associations whose primary area of organized yachting events is in or adjacent to San Pedro Bay;
  2. To promote friendly relations between and among member clubs and cooperation in coordinating local racing calendars;
  3. To encourage interclub support of local, regional, national and international yacht racing competitions;
  4. To promote and support a system of common marks for use by member clubs in conducting yacht racing events;
  5. To coordinate the action of member clubs in their contacts with governmental authorities in matters affecting yachting in and adjacent to San Pedro Bay;
  6. To assist in settling any misunderstandings or disputes between and among member clubs; and
  7. To engage in activities, through the various Southern California yachting associations, to encourage and promote yachting.

  1. Membership:

  1. Any yacht club or association whose principle activities include the regular sponsorship of yacht racing in and adjacent to San Pedro Bay is eligible to be elected to Regular Membership in the Association. Any yacht club or association which does not regularly sponsor yacht racing but wishes to be active and involved in the yachting activities of the area is eligible to be elected to Associate Membership in the Association.
  2. An applicant for membership shall be sponsored by a present member and seconded by another. Election to membership shall be by an affirmative majority of the votes of members represented at any meeting of the Association.
  1. Governing Body:
The officers of and delegates to the Association shall be its governing body.

  1. Delegates:

  1. Members shall each have two delegates, each of whom shall be a flag officer, staff commodore, member of the board of directors, Race Committee Chairman or similar officer of said club at the time of appointment. Delegates shall be appointed by members to serve for the remainder of the calendar year in which they were appointed and until their successors are appointed. Members shall inform the Secretary/Treasurer of the Association in writing at the beginning of each calendar year of the names, addresses and telephone numbers of each of its delegates.
  2. If a delegate is unable to attend a particular meeting of the Association, the club may appoint an alternate for that meeting, and written notice of such appointment as alternate shall be presented to the Secretary/Treasurer of the Association before the alternate delegate is seated. Alternatively, members may appoint one alternate at the beginning of the calendar year to act in place of either delegate at any meeting at which one of the regular delegates is not present.
  3. The positions of the elected officers of the Association shall be in addition to the allowed number of delegates. Officers need not be counted by a member as one of the delegates of that member.

  1. Officers:

  1. The elected officers of the Association shall be Commodore, Vice Commodore, Rear Commodore and Secretary/Treasurer.
  2. The Commodore is the chief executive officer of this Association, who shall preside at all meetings, have general charge of its business, and have such other powers and perform such other duties as may be assigned to the office by the delegates.
  3. The Vice Commodore and Rear Commodore shall assist the Commodore, and in the Commodore's absence, in that order of priority, act in the Commodore's place.
  4. The Secretary/Treasurer shall keep the Association's records and minutes of proceedings at its meetings, shall notify delegates of all meetings, shall keep all funds of the Association in a bank account in its name and shall maintain a proper record of its receipts and disbursements.
  5. The Commodore may, but need not, appoint a Fleet Captain, Port Captain, Judge Advocate, Historian, and any committees deemed necessary, each to serve at the Commodore's pleasure during the Commodore's term of office. The Commodore shall be an ex-officio member of all committees so appointed.

  1. Election of Officers:

  1. Elections shall be held at the November meeting each year.
  2. On or about September 15th the Commodore shall appoint a Nominating Committee consisting of the two most immediate Staff Commodores of the Association who are available and willing to serve and three non-officer delegates. The senior most Staff Commodore shall be the Chairman. It shall be the duty of the Nominating Committee to meet before October 1st and at such meeting to nominate one person for each elective offices of the Association. The report of the Nominating Committee shall be in writing, signed by all committee members, and given to the members at least thirty days before the November meeting. The persons so nominated shall be candidates for the respective offices. Additional nominations for any office may be made by written petition signed by duly authorized delegates from each of three (3) or more voting member clubs. Such additional nominations shall be filed with the Secretary of the Association at least fifteen days before the election meeting. Upon receipt, the Secretary shall forthwith notify all delegates of such additional nominations
  3. Election of officers from the names nominated shall be by a majority of the votes of the members represented at the election meeting.
  4. If a vacancy occurs during the year, such office shall be filled by a majority of the votes of the members represented at any meeting of the association, provided that written notice of such matter was given to the delegates at least ten days before such meeting.
  5. Officers shall hold office until their respective successors are elected and installed. No officer may hold a particular elected office for more than two consecutive terms.

  1. Meetings:

  1. All meetings shall be set by the Commodore as to time and place provided, however, that the annual meeting shall be held in January of each year. Should the Commodore fail to designate a time and place for the annual meeting, it shall be held on the last Wednesday in January at 7:00 PM., at the place where the last preceding annual meeting was held.
  2. Each Regular Member in good standing shall be entitled to two votes and to have its delegates be present and participate at any meeting and to vote on any matter submitted for a decision. Each Associate Member in good standing shall be entitled to one vote and to have its delegates be present and participate at any meeting and to vote on any matter submitted for decision.
  3. Delegates from a majority of members shall constitute a quorum at any meeting.
  4. Except as hereinafter stated, a majority of votes of members represented at any meeting shall be binding on the Association.
  5. A majority of the votes of members represented in a meeting called for that purpose, upon at least thirty days written notice to each member, shall be required to fix and determine the dues, assessments or fees.
  6. Two-thirds of the votes of members represented in a meeting called for that purpose, upon at least thirty days written notice to each member, shall be required to suspend or expel a member other than for failure to pay any dues, fees or assessments, or to reinstate a member; or to amend these By-Laws.

  1. Fees and Dues:

Fees payable on admission to the Association and all subsequent dues, assessments or other fees shall be as the delegates from time to time may determine. Such funds shall be used only to pay the costs and expenses of the Association and for no other purpose.

  1. Southern California Yachting Association and Yacht Racing Union of S.C. Delegates:

To the extent this Association is entitled to attend and participate in meetings of the Southern California Yachting Association and the Yacht Racing Union of Southern California, the Commodore may appoint delegates thereto to vote for and in the name of this Association. The rights of a delegate of this Association to vote at a meeting of the Southern California Yachting Association or the Yacht Racing Union of S.C. shall not limit or abrogate the rights of an individual member club to vote independently of this Association if it so desires at any such meeting.

  1. Burgee:

  1. The signal flag of this Association is a dark blue swallowtail burgee, the hoist to be two-thirds of the length, with a white, horizontal , tapered "V" thereon in such fashion that the centerline of each leg of the "V" runs from a corner of the hoist to the center of the swallowtail on the trailing edge.

  1. The Association burgee may be displayed by officers of and delegates to the Association, may be incorporated into the letterhead design of Association stationery, and may be otherwise used to identify the Association in connection with its purpose and activities.
By-Laws Revision, October 5, 1997
Filed by the Association Secretary/Treasurer, Jarel Ervin, HYC

ASPBYC Report a problem with a mark